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Couples Counseling

We all know romantic relationships can be very rewarding, but difficult and life-altering. Like a delicate orchid, they require our constant attention and care. They take time and energy to cultivate. But, sometimes despite our best efforts, romantic relationships become a source of stress on us. We need a professional to give us an objective viewpoint so that we may begin to heal and move forward together, or separately.


Who can benefit from couples therapy?

Loving couples wanting to improve their relationship
Dissatisfied couples wanting to decrease arguments and conflicts
Engaged couples looking for insight into healthy relationships
Couples considering separation or divorce, but are not yet ready to give-up their relationship

We focus on the following areas in our couples therapy:

Productive communication in the relationship
Premarital and co-habitation consultation
Separation and divorce contemplation
Intimacy issues
Childrearing differences
Extramarital affairs
Maladaptive Communication Skills

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Time Won't Wait...

Feel free to contact us at any time to find out more about our approach and the types of therapies we offer.


Relational issues between couples and family members
LBGT adjustment difficulties
Matters of cultural diversity
Autism and other developmental disabilities
Foster and adopted child and family matters
Adjustment difficulties from child neglect and abuse
Childhood trauma
Post traumatic stress
Early intervention

Time Won't Wait...

Feel free to contact us at any time to find out more about our approach and the types of therapies we offer.