LGBTQ Counseling and Support
LGBTQ individuals often feel alone in our experiences. We may have many of the same clinical and life issues as heterosexuals - depression, anxiety, grief, work stress, relationship and dating issues, etc. The difficulties these issues present are compounded by our gender or sexual identity. We feel as if we cannot talk about these issues, or that no one will understand or care.
Regardless if you seek therapy for issues related to your sexuality, gender idenity or other matters, it is imperative you feel supported and able to speak freely in order to benefit from the therapeutic experience. This is especially true when we're confronted by the double stigma of mental health issues and a non-normative sexual or gender identity.
Our clinical team has therapists with extensive background and experience in the Queer community. Some are LGBTQ identified. We provide a supportive and encouraging environment for the individual to discuss the issues without fearing that the therapist would not understand or empathize.

Issues LGBTQ explore in therapy include:
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Time Won't Wait...
Feel free to contact us at any time to find out more about our approach and the types of therapies we offer.
Time Won't Wait...
Feel free to contact us at any time to find out more about our approach and the types of therapies we offer.